ParticipationThe registration is opened until 31st May, 2015. Inscription address: With your registration on Azur Colloque website, please send a curriculum vitae and a cover letter (specifying your research work in progress, and what you expect from the school) to Véronique Traverso ( and Emilie Jouin-Chardon ( Registration cost for the participants: MA students, PhD students, Post-Doc: 350€ Public sector participants: 500€ (free for CNRS employees) Private sector participants: 600€ Cost also includes: the training, the accomodation (at the school site), the meals (breakfasts, lunches, dinners), the dinner in town on Wednesday evening, and the teaching aids provided during the school. Transport costs will be at the attendee's expenses.
Participants The school is designed for researchers and PhD students interested in processing oral and interactional data. It will be particularly interesting for researchers in linguistics engaged in research in interaction, in the grammar of spoken language, in pragmatics, in discourse analysis. At an interdisciplinary level, for researchers in sociology, in social psychology, in anthropology, in oral history interested in the processing of talk-in-interaction. Requirements A first experience in the analysis of oral language and/or interaction is desirable. An adequate level of competency in both reading scientific English and understanding spoken English will be necessary for many activities and presentations. Some knowledge of French would be an advantage. Educational modalities The school is primarily conceived to offer training through analytical practice. It will propose an intensive program of hands-on work on empirical materials (corpora provided by the teaching staff, corpora of the trainees), and practice of the collection analysis methodologies. Various formats will be proposed: - Plenary talks (state of the art, presentation of research); - Small group work; - Analysis exercises aimed at the identification of phenomena and collection building; - Data sessions during which the participants will be engaged in collective analyses of data (in small groups, by repeatedly listening to / viewing a bit of data proposed by the teachers or by the trainees); - An ongoing analytical work developed during the week on a collection of cases (provided by the teaching team), which will take place in several sessions of small group work supervised by the trainers, and leading to, - a final presentation / discussion the last day. Plenary talks will be given in English; data will be trilingual (English, French and Italian); group work (data sessions, exercises, etc.) will take place in any of these languages. Teaching aids Before the school: - Extracts of video-recordings and other data will be made available via the school website, together with a request for analysis - Volunteers among the participants will be solicited to provide their data before the beginning of the school for use in data sessions - Bibliography of recommended readings to prepare the school will be published in the school website During the school: Teaching aids prepared by the teaching staff (transcriptions, examples, exemplary corpora, examples of analyses, collection of extracts for the ongoing analytical work) will be distributed to participants.
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